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Lord have mercy... There are only some meals that are the epitome of Southern comfort foods like hamburger steak and gravy! I grew up eating this meal alongside mashed potatoes or rice, sweet peas, dinner rolls, and iced sweet tea. It's not the most amazing dish but ah...good days! We had several times a month

* Ingredients :

° 1 egg
° 1/3 cup rusk
° 1/2 tsp. black pepper
° 1 tsp. salt
° 1/2 tsp. onion powder
° 1 clove minced garlic
° 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
° 1 tbsp. oil
° 1 1/2 cups finely chopped onion
° 2 tbsp. All-purpose flour
° 1 cup beef broth
° 1/2 tsp. Salt

* Preparation : 

In  bowl, mix ground beef, eggs, bread crumbs, pepper, salt, onion powder, garlic, & Worcestershiire sauce. Form to thicken pancakes.
Heat oil in  large skillet on heat. Frying pancakes also onions in the oil to pancakes are well brown  Transfering steaks to plate, also leave them hot.
Sprinkling flour on onions also broth in skillet. Stir in flour with fork, scrap beef bits off bottom when stirring. Gradually mix in the meat broth. Season with seasoned salt.
Simmeer, stir, over medium-low heat about 5 min, to broth thick . Reduce heat, returning pancakes to the broth, covering, also simmer another 15 min . Serve with  large bowl of mash potatoes
